Get ready for some juice recipes coming up, guys! I have been making a TON lately (and buying a decent amount too), and I swear it’s only making me crave them more. This grapefruit master cleanse juice is just kicking things off 😉
When Preston and I got home from Mexico, I popped over to an awesome juice bar here in Sac (called Liquidology) and got six nice bottles of juices to last us all week long. We NEEDED that after our week of indulgence. I drank all the juices, saved the bottles, and decided to make myself a big batch of juices to drink all during the next week. Yes, I know, I know, you’re supposed to juice them fresh and drink them day-of. But you know what? I never keep up a juicing-everyday habit for very long because it’s redundant and time-consuming and exhausting. I’m far more likely to drink fresh juice everyday if I buy a big batch or make a big batch. And I’d much rather drink juice that’s a few days old and has lost some of its nutritional value than have no juice and NO nutritional value at all!
Anyhow. So I made a huge batch of juice from recipes off a bloggy that posts a ton of juice recipes that I’ve been dying to try. I was excited at the sound of the recipes and happy to have a fridge full of juice, BUT I was so frustrated because every single juice recipe (I made five!) turned out ugly muddy brown. NOBODY wants muddy brown juice! They all tasted fantastic, don’t get me wrong. But I genuinely had to force myself to try them because they looked so gross.
That’s ridiculous.
The reason I happily drank a fridge full of Liquidology’s juices is because my fridge was full of these incredibly bright and appealing bevvies!
Maybe one day it will be in my budget to have a stash of store-bought juices all the time, but right now it just isn’t. So I’m on a quest to make as many BRIGHT, BEAUTIFUL, APPEALING juice recipes as I can! I need a big supply of juice recipes so I can have a few a week without getting bored. Fruit juices, veggie juices, but hopefully a lot of combo juices. Watch out, they’re coming.
I scoured other websites and cookbooks, read the ingredients list on every single one of Suja’s juices, jotted down my favorite combos from Liquidology, and have a master list of juice ingredients and a few favorite combos and interesting ideas to try.
I’ll spread them out with other recipes so I don’t bombard you, but get ready because the juice recipes are starting!
The first one is an awesome simple idea I had. I genuinely love a plain mostly-lemon juice. I love the flavor of lemon, and it’s just so clean and bright and refreshing, not to mention awesome for our bodies. I absolutely plan to make myself a master cleanse juice (or attempt to remake Suja’s Lemon Love) most weeks because a plain lemon juice in the morning is perfect.
But I thought it would be really cool to make something similar with grapefruit, another perfect early-morning metabolism-boosting powerhouse. Why does lemon get all the love? 😉 So all I did was add a grapefruit to a pretty classic master cleanse type of juice, and I LOVE the result!
You know the master cleanse – it’s just lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne. Often diluted with water. It’s been around forever, but had a major resurgence when Beyonce did it awhile back. Ringing bells? Okay, you’re with me!
Oh my gosh, I’m so rambly today! I’ll leave you guys be and give you the recipe!

- 1 grapefruit
- 3 lemons
- 2 t maple syrup
- 1/4 t ground cayenne (I’d start with 1/8 teaspoon and give it a taste before adding more if you’re not big on spicy foods!)
- 1/3 C water
- Juice the grapefruit and lemons. Stir in the rest of the ingredients. This is totally a “to your taste” recipe – so feel free to adjust the amount of syrup, cayenne, or water (it’s just for dilution) to suit your own preferences.

By the way, how ADORABLE is that glass?!?! My sister gave me a pair of those bad boys for my birthday, and I LOVE them! Perfect for juice and cocktail posts 😉
What are your favorite juice ingredients? I’d love to add new ideas to my big list!
Can you deal with muddy brown drinks??? Bother anybody else?
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