My loves! Happy Tuesday.
I am coming at you with a fuchsia smoothie today because it’s GORGEOUS.
And yummy.
But honestly, flavor was kind of an afterthought and color was priority number one. But add guava juice and coconut protein powder to a smoothie, and you KNOW the flavor is going to be awesome. So.
Fun(ny) fact: I’m a total moron and took forever to get on the fuchsia pitaya bandwagon because I just didn’t understand what exactly it was annnnnd didn’t bother to spend three whole seconds on google figuring it out. When I first saw these gorgeous bowls and smoothies popping up on the interwebs, I was damn ready to try this rando “pitaya” fruit people kept talking about that I assumed was some “new” fruit I’d never heard of before. Then I went to buy some and all I saw was some weird fuchsia dragonfruit. And I’m like… yeah, no. Dragonfruit is white with black seeds. Obviously. I’m not buying some crazy unnatural dyed dragonfruit. Weird. I’ll wait until I can hunt down that new “pitaya” fruit instead.
Fast forward about a dozen grocery store freezer sections later when all I can find is this dyed dragonfruit crap and no pitaya and I pick up a bag that has a BRAND called pitaya that’s selling fuchsia dragonfruit. And lo and behold, the ingredients are 100% fruit. And it’s called pitaya/dragonfruit.
Because they’re the same thing.
And sometimes they’re white with black seeds.
And sometimes they’re fuchsia.
So I finally spend all of three seconds on google to confirm that I’m a freaking moron who never considered that an obscure exotic fruit I’ve had maybe three times could exist in more than one color.
Good lord.
Stupid know-it-all self.
ANYWAY. So now that I realize that PITAYA is DRAGONFRUIT… here’s a tropical dragonfruit smoothie. That’s fuchsia. And loaded with all my favorite tropical flavors because YUM.
Also because Tone It Up’s coconut protein is FINALLY BACK. If you love coconut, I highly recommend. Best protein powder ever. I bought two tubs of it as soon as they released it buuuut I don’t think that’s going to be enough. (WAH! I was going to link it for y’all but their website says it’s sold out. I’ll update if it’s restocked…..)

- 1 pitaya smoothie pack
- 1/2 C chopped frozen pineapple
- 1 scoop coconut protein powder
- 1 C guava juice
- 1 T ground flax seed
- optional: coconut extract (if you’re like me and want to really amplify the coconut flavor…)
- Blend everything together.
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