YOU GUYS. I so want to be the kind of person who takes wellness shots. But really, I’m not.
I’ve made a handful, but mostly I wind up adding plenty of pineapple juice, honey, or apple juice to make them go down smoother. ๐ And let’s be honest, those things all have health benefits so I can justify it. But when you add anything with that much sugar to an otherwise purely healthy drink, you’re taking away from it just a touch.
But it seems like lately turmeric has come up in conversation a lot. You know how once you start hearing something mentioned, it just comes up over. and over. and over again? That’s turmeric lately. And I’ve found myself spouting off turmeric health benefits to a few people, yet I don’t really consume it in my own life very often at all.
THEN the universe really decided to help me out here. I haven’t been using my juicer much at all lately because it’s breaking and old and crappy. So recently I searched some Amazon reviews and put some juicers on my Amazon wish list. But my mom called me when she was Christmas shopping and looking at my list and told me to just take her juicer because she hasn’t used it since she got a Vitamix! So I just got a huge upgrade in the juicer department ๐
I just grabbed it from her last night. SO I decided it was time to make myself a little wellness shot cocktail full of this healthy root. I added lemon and ginger for even more health benefits ๐ These three powerhouse ingredients can do WONDERS for your body. And I’m not going to bore you with an exhaustive list, but here are the highlights: Fight inflammation (all three of these are highly anti-inflammatory. So that basically means they’ll help you avoid or fight almost all chronic diseases…!) Boost your metabolism. Aid digestion. Increase brain function. Lower risk of heart disease.
The list truly goes on and on forevvvvver. But I think those few highlights are super IMPRESSIVE.
Now one little last comment before I give you the recipe: this does NOT taste good. It’s got a nice flavor, but holy SHIT is it a strong kick in the face. Feel free to sip it if you can manage that. Or stir it into some water (you could heat it up as a tea!) if diluted works for you. I just did it as a shot, but it does kind of hurt. You might need a tiny chaser. ๐ And while I’m trying to avoid adding fruit juice, some pineapple juice would taste really good in this and even though it’s way higher in sugar than the rest of these, it shares a lot of similar health benefits and would be an awesome way to start your day.
So here’s the recipe!

- 3 lemons, peeled
- 4-inch piece of ginger
- 2-inch piece of turmeric
- Throw everything into a juicer!
- If you can’t find fresh turmeric, you can make this with just ginger and lemon, and then stir 1/2 teaspoon of ground turmeric into the shot.
Let me know if you give these lemon ginger turmeric wellness shots a try!
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