Happy Monday, loves! How was your weekend?
I’ve got a weekend update post coming this afternoon, but the short version is: I exercised, rested, and got ready for the week. That’s pretty much it ๐
I have been feeling really run down lately! I thought it was mostly my awful string of not getting enough sleep and less-productive-than-usual weekends. But I’ve actually been doing really well on that whole “remind myself to set reasonable expectations instead of insane ones” thing, and I even got a few decent nights of sleep lately…. I’m not sure what’s happening!
Lamesauce ๐
I think my body is really feeling the stress. Or maybe I’m fighting something off… My health food cravings have only increased since I rambled about my juice in my grapefruit master cleanse juice post. My body wants juice, salads, grilled veggies, and all the water I can possibly handle!
Or maybe it’s just spring things happening? It’s that time when I start firing up the grill and drinking smoothies again. Mmmmmm, smoothies! So strange, I have a smoothie for breakfast almost everyday in warm months, but I don’t have ANY interest in them when it turns cold.
Anyhow, I’m still on the quest for some awesome and COLORFUL juice recipes. I’ve got a few more lined up and tested out some more recipes this weekend, but I’m trying to keep them spread out for you so we don’t turn into a liquid diet blog over here ๐
Next up is this awesome carrot lime ginger juice. Prepare for lots of carrot varieties, because (A) it’s one of my favorites, and (B) it’s always bright and gorgeous!

- 3 carrots
- 1 apple
- 2 limes
- 1 inch piece of ginger (peeled)
- Fling everything into your juicer and let ‘er rip! ๐
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