Time for another winter cocktail, eh friends?
Preston and I had such a wonderful and relaxing weekend up in the snow for our anniversary. I was absolutely AMAZED at how well I relaxed (I am a HIGH STRUNG woman.) We snow-shoed a lot, and totally loved it. DANG I could not believe how tiring it was. In total, we probably only traveled a few miles but holy shit was it tough.
So we recovered by visiting hot springs, having comfy dinners, lighting a fire in the wood-burning stove in our cabin, and soaking in the jacuzzi tub.
AND made this blood orange ginger hot toddy. For our second day of snow shoeing, we packed a thermos full of this fantastic winter cocktail to warm us up during snow shoeing breaks.
I packed supplies for this drink thinking it would be nice to have after we got back to the cabin or to stop for some quick “warm up” breaks while snow-shoeing. But actually, we were so tired and sweaty from this crazy workout that these worked best to keep us from catching hypothermia during our breaks. We just HAD to take a long break halfway through our longest trek, and when we sat down we were PLENTY warm because our blood was flowing. But the second we stopped moving and our sweat turned cold, DAMN did we need something to warm up.
We couldn’t stop long because we had to keep moving, but it made for such a wonderful little break. Plus thanks to my awesome thermos that does not get enough use, the rest was still hot when we got back to our cabin.
And I love this wintry combo! My all-time favorite tea, ginger, and super special winter citrus! Heck yeah. But you can easily sub any black tea. There are tons with orange and spice flavors in them, which I still think would be best. Plus you can just use the best-looking citrus in season if you don’t find blood oranges!
I hope you guys love this combo as much as I do. Here’s the blood orange ginger hot toddy recipe!

- 4 C hot water
- juice of 2 blood oranges
- 1-inch piece of ginger, peeled
- 2 Constant Comment tea bags
- 3 T honey
- 4 shots whiskey
- Combine all ingredients in a large thermos (or 4 separate glasses – just slice the ginger in to thin slices instead of 1 large piece.) Steep tea bags for 4 minutes. Remove. You can choose to leave the ginger in if you don’t mind the drink getting a stronger ginger flavor, or remove it.

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