Category: recipes
Chickpea & Sausage Fritters
Last week I made a dinner where I just started grabbing things out of my fridge, threw a bunch of random ingredients into my food processor, and only spent about 20 minutes total making dinner and it turned out WAY better than expected. Way better than most unplanned 20 minute meals do. They were these…
Raw Cherry Pie Cheesecake
Last night I had the wonderful and sadly rare opportunity to sit down and have dinner with a few vegan friends at our nearby vegan restaurant. I feel so lucky to have the chance to talk with people with the same beliefs and habits as me. I walked away from a delicious meal wanting…
Lots o’ Dried Blueberries Granola
Whew. Hump day’s over. I don’t know about you, but I had a particularly never-ending day, which isn’t really like me. Maybe it’s because I didn’t really get my relaxation on this weekend, or maybe it’s just because I’m a little moody. But I’m so happy this day has finally ended. I also have fantastic…
Busy Woman’s Matcha Latte
Hi, internet friends! How was your weekend? Mine was fun, but a little bit busier than I expected! Preston (the bf) and I babysat his niece and nephew for most of the weekend. It was a pretty fun weekend filled with lake time, playgrounds, ice cream, and kids movies. But it was a little ridiculous…
Busy Woman’s Iced Mocha
GUYS, GUESS WHAT I did yesterday!!! I gave notice at work! Yikes. I got a great opportunity at a different firm. I’ll be much more legit-lawyer than I am at my current job, so I’m really excited. Plus mortified. I have two different offices right now, so had to give notice to two bosses and…
Sweet Curried Carrot Slaw
I have a couple friends who raved about this curry carrot salad at the Co-Op in Sacramento. They love it. Crave it. Tell me I must must must try it. I went. They were out. A few times. Finally I got this salad a couple weeks ago. Meh.
Truffled Strawberry Salad
The first salad for my June Salad-a-Day Challenge is very special to me. We had a little reunion this weekend. We had a little rift after I gave up goat cheese to become vegan. He’s finally come around with an equally wonderfully vegan version. So I decided we could make it work after all. This…
June Salad Challenge + Basil Gnocchi + Roasted Asparagus Salad
Ohmygosh it’s June already! Can you believe it? I am done with all the posts about myself, but I really did enjoy having a blogging challenge last month. This month I’m giving myself a new challenge: a salad a day. I always aim for a salad a day, but it’s usually just a goal…
Cheesy Nacho Kale Chips
Like a good vegan girl, I love love love kale chips. I will happily eat a bunch of kale in the form of those light-and-airy home-baked ones with a little oil and simple flavorings (like my Sweet Onion Kale Chips.) But I’m also crazy for those covered-in-sauce, really crunchy store-bought chips. But they are so…
Endless Energy Strawberry Rhubarb Smoothie
I made a light summer-ready smoothie this weekend with two new experimental ingredients. First up is maca. Want some serious energy from a natural source? Done. Maca is a root. You can buy it raw sometimes, but it’s difficult to find. You can also buy maca powder, which has been dried and ground. Maca…