Category: recipes
Vanilla Latte Rice Pudding
I get recipe ideas from everywhere. Restaurant meals and menus, cookbooks, cooking shows, regular TV shows, commercials, advertisements, conversations with folks, random moments of inspiration, cravings. THEN there are the recipe ideas that are invented to fill a specific purpose.
Blueberry Streusel Loaf
My auto correct keeps trying to make me change streusel to stressful. Rude. And wrong. Just wrong. This blueberry streusel loaf is the opposite of stressful. It was one of those miracle recipes that turned out so phenomenally the first try that it makes me feel so legit and proud. It looks just like I…
Watermelon Peach Margaritas
Oh BOY, do I have an awesome cocktail for you guys today. Who doesn’t want watermelon peach margaritas??? I obviously just couldn’t let the summer go by without a margarita recipe, RIGHT? In fact, there’s been a surprising lack of boozy recipes here lately… weird. So unlike me 😉 This guy makes up for it.
Strawberry Pina Colada Smoothie
Herrrooooo, happy hump day lovelies! How’s your week so far? Mine is going by pretty quickly! Yet still waiting on the weekend… I started the week a bit sleep deprived and can’t seem to catch up. Which always means I feel like I need a whole weekend day to get my adulting done because I’m…
Steamed Garlic Is The New Roasted Garlic
Alright guys, got an AWESOME but weird one here for you! STEAMED garlic. As in, whole cloves of peeled garlic. Steamed. In a steamer. Over boiling water. Yep. It’s really similar to roasted garlic in that it takes that sting and lasting bad breath out of garlic. I think even more so than roasted garlic!…
Homemade Almond Protein Bars
I have a coworker with the most random, hysterical, and very STRONG opinions about food. I find them endlessly entertaining. She forms very adamant opinions about whether she likes or dislikes something before she’s ever tried it. She has no qualms expressing her disgust of someone else’s food, whether they’re raving about it or currently…
Risotto Primavera
Happy Monday, internet friends! How was your weekend? Mine was pretty dang lovely, despite needing to sleep forEVER. All last week I was extra sleepy and lethargic, but this weekend was a little intense. Preston and I actually slept until about 10 am yesterday, which is beyond insane for us… But I guess we needed…
Spicy Orange Seared Scallops
Happy TUESDAY, friends! And for anybody who had yesterday off, happy four day week! HOORAH! How was your weekend? What did you do to celebrate the Fourth (if you celebrated)? My weekend was fantastic. Lots of perfect summer weather, workouts, cleaning, and good food 🙂 By mid-day yesterday, Preston and I had done everything on…
Spicy Herbed Chimichurri Rice
LOOK HOW PRETTY!!! I am completely in love with this chimichurri rice!!! This was totally not the recipe plan, actually. I was going to do a simple fish with a somewhat classic chimichurri sauce poured on top. Easy weeknight meal, for sure. But THEN I was cooking up a big thing of rice to go…
Creamy Peach Mango Smoothie
Who else caught that Hulu accidentally released the new episode of the Bachelorette early yesterday?!?! Made for an AWESOME morning. I am actually trying very hard to stop my awful habit of watching TV while I get ready for work. I’m mostly successful, but I keep opening Hulu and starting to pick out a show…